Bhavna Lamba
3 min readJul 13, 2020


COVID-19 Pandemic & Students

Read this :


What have you read?

Life Is No Where or Life Is Now Here !!

This pandemic has been a turning point in all of our lives. All our plans came to a halt. But, with the right approach, we can take this as a comma and not a full stop. My most concerned set of people, about whom I will be discussing here, is Students.

Since we all are reading enough grim news about the virus, on a lighter note, there are some blessings in disguise as well...

Especially for Students:

For example ;

Exams: We always believed exams are so important for children, we could not do education without this highly stressful ritual on children. Today we have seen it is possible to do away with it completely. Children got promoted to the next class without any stress of an exam…nothing bad happened!

But with this approach, I am not supporting cancellation of exams for Senior level Students, as they are on the edge of their career defining step. The students, at this stage, have to prove their brilliance and intellect to be ready for the professional world, waiting for them.

There are numerous students, who have been preparing for competitive exams like NEET, JEE etc. who are now losing hopes, who are getting upset and fed-up from studies, to them I would like to tell that :


Don’t worry. Being a teacher myself, I completely understand that your teachers and parents are continuously after you to study. But I have a different approach here:

Those who have already prepared for exam, have completed the entire course, revised it all twice or thrice… now they wont be able to focus more… so its better to take a break from studies for few days. You all need to refresh your mind, only then you can concentrate back.

During your break period, do not break links from your exams completely. You can use this period smartly by preparing strategy on how to proceed forward. Strategise your exam like the number of questions you have to attempt in any particular subject, the time management, the sequence of subject you should pick during the exam, how many questions you can afford to skip etc..

You only know how much you have prepared, you know your strong topics and weak topics as well. Analyse your mistakes and avoid repeating them. Do not study during this time rather take-out time to make strategies, which can work the best for you. This won’t make you feel that you have wasted your time, so no regrets latter on.

Then you can start fresh with calmer mind and concentration level will also increase. Keep yourself motivated. Talk to selective people around, especially avoid the negativities around you.

Since, its a nation-wide pandemic, so you are not alone in this. This mindset is with every other student.

Also, those who are not well-prepared can take this as an opportunity or extra time for their preparation of left-over topics. Work on them, pick those important topics and start reading them, practice more and more questions so that you can also turn this opportunity into a success story later.

The only person important to you, right now, is YOU !

You are on the driving seat with the steering wheel in your hand… you have the power to take any turn.. so make sure you are calm enough to take the right turn…metaphorically.




Bhavna Lamba

I would rather walk alone in darkness than to follow someone’s shadow.